Facts About White Tigers

facts about white tigers

facts about white tigers – National Geographic's

National Geographic's Tigers of the Snow
National Geographic's Tigers of the Snow
Experience the thrill of searching for the magnificent Siberian tiger, the largest cat on Earth, but sadly, also one of the most endangered. Then witness a mother tiger attacking a hovering helicopter and resuscitating an injured cub. 2000/color/57 min/NR/fullscreen.

Blake’s words “Tyger, tyger burning bright” come alive in this lush documentary from National Geographic. Tigers of the Snow spotlights the Siberian Tiger, which once roamed over the wide ranges of northern Asia but now is limited to a tiny region on the Sea of Japan. Footage of their active muscles, their piercing eyes, their regal pelt, all attest to the beauty of a dying breed. Russian and American scientists have banded together to study the 300 remaining not-so-gentle giants in an effort to save them from extinction. You’ll see these men and women track tigers from helicopters, brave a mother’s fury to tag her young, and strive to breed them in captivity. The effort is Herculean, given the massive logging and rampant poaching which cuts down the population and the tigers’ territory, but there is hope that we can educate the next generation to protect these beautiful animals and their environment while there’s still time. After all, a planet without tigers would be a much poorer place, and Tigers of the Snow shows exactly what we’d miss. –Rob Lightner


Photo taken through Glass!

White Tigers
White tigers are very rarely found in the wild. In about 100 yeas only 12 white tigers have been seen in the wild in India. They are almost extinct and most of the ones living are in captivity, mostly in zoos. This specific tiger is neither an albino nor a seperate subspecies of the tiger. They are beautifully white colored and have black stripes. It has blue eyes and a pink nose. It also has white colored fur. The white tiger is born to a bengal tiger that has the gene needed for white coloring. A pure white tiger has no stripes and are totally white.

Pristine wildness !
The striking white coat is caused by a double recessive allele in the genetic code, and only turns up naturally about once in every 10,000 births. Amazingly, the Bengal tiger is the only subspecies in which it seems to happen. As beautiful as it may look, life as a white tiger can’t be easy when your life depends on being able to hide from and/or sneak up on things.

Habitat & Range: Tigers usually stay in an area from about 10 to 30 square miles where there is enough prey, cover/shelter and water to support them. Territory actually depends on the amount of prey that is available. The more concentrated the prey the smaller an area a tiger needs to survive.

Life span: White tigers in the wild live to be about 10 to 15 years while tigers in zoos usually live between 16 and 20 years.

Diet: Tigers do not hunt in social groups like lions. They are generally solitary animals. In the wild, tigers will eat pig, cattle and deer. They can eat as much as 40 pounds of meat at one time! After such a big meal a tiger will not eat again for several days. White Tigers have 30 large teeth ranging from 2.5 to 3 inches.

Caring for Young: Tigers are generally solitary animals, except when caring for their young. Tigers keep their young with them for 2 or 3 years until the young tigers can fend for themselves.

Fascinating facts about white tiger:
– The White Tiger is a good swimmer, but a very poor climber.
– They may be slow runners, but they are stealthy enough to catch any prey in their sights.
– Because they are solitary animals, they hunt mostly at night
– White tigers are born to – – Bengal tigers that carry an unusual gene needed for white coloring.
– The other four sub-species of tiger are Siberian, South China, Indochinese, and Sumataran. There are only approximately 5,000 to 7,400 tigers left in the wild.

Status: At the beginning of this century it is estimated that there were 100,000 wild tigers, today the number is less than 8,000. Simply put, tigers are disappearing in the wild. The main threats to tigers are poaching, habitat loss and population fragmentation.

White Bengal Tiger – Mission Zoo

White Bengal Tiger - Mission Zoo
Fact File: This beautiful "kitty" called Taj, is approx 1meters in height, his weight is 210kg, he is 2 meters in length. He can run up to 35 mph and his killer rating is about a 6 out of 10:-)
I’d still be running fairly quickly!!!
The White Bengal Tiger carries a recessive genetic trait that causes them to produce less pigment than other standard tigers. There are only a few hundred white tigers left in the world and all are in zoo’s and parks around the globe. Two of them are here in Australia.

facts about white tigers

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